2. Halachic & Historic Articles

Below is a list of halachic articles that we have written about our research and halachic adventures. A lot of work and research has gone into them. We hope you enjoy them. Please feel  free to send us your responses.

ari and ari

Halachic and Historic videos

The Mesorah Dinner Jerusalem 2010 lectures

Kosher animals in the Jerusalem Zoo – Torah Live 2011 – Narrated by Dr. Ari Greenspan



Living The Law- Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky -Mesorah and Kashrut – The Jewish Observer


Mesorah  DInner Jerusalem 2010- it’s all about Tradition – Mishpacha Magazine august 2010

Kosher Conundrums – Jerusalem Post 2010

OU Mesora Conference–  Kashrut and mesorah audio link -Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky

Israel’s Water Buffalo Deemed Kosher

The Seudat Mesoret- Los Angeles Jewish Journal-Gourmet kosher brings out fear factor

Kosher Birds and pheasants Otiyot Magazine– Hebrew children’s magazine articles- Dr. Ari Greenspan

Los Angeles Exotic Kosher Dinner- LA Times

Water Buffalo And Explaining To The Chief Rabbi

Is Turkey Kosher – Dr. Ari Zivotofsky

Exotic Kosher Dinner in NY

The Pheasant :Reinforcing A Tradition With A Palpable Precedent

Holy Shibuta: A fishy tale for Rosh Hashana- The Jerusalem Post by Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky

שיבוטה- מגזין הדיג 2007– The Israeli Fish and Aquaculture Magazine November 2007 Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky

The Kashrut of Locusts– Part 1 Otiyot Magazine- Hebrew children’s magazine articles- Dr. Ari Greenspan

The Kashrut of Locusts- Part 2 Otiyot Magazine- Hebrew children’s magazine articles- Dr. Ari Greenspan

The Kashrut of Locusts– Part 3 Otiyot Magazine- Hebrew children’s magazine articles- Dr. Ari Greenspan

The Halachic History of Kosher Wine– Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky

It’s all about Tradition – Merosah Dinner 2010 – – Mishpacha Magazine 2010

The Making of a Mesorah Dinner– The unusual stories and zany anectdotes of tracking down and securing exotic kosher food  to make a mesorah dinner -Mishpacha Magazine Oct 2010   Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky

Kosher Conundrums- Jerusalem post 2010 Mesorah Dinner– Mesorah Dinner Jerusalem 2010- Jerusalem Post

The 2011 mesorah dinner in Chicago – The NY Jewish Week July 2011

The Chicago Dinner 2011- Hamodiah

historic schitah and kosher stamps and seals- Israel Numismatic research 2010

Shaatnez – a description of the mitzvah and the history of Rabbi Rosenberger – Ami Magazine 2011

yak elk oh my .. – Jerusalem Post Jan 2012

The Great Jerusalem Locust Plague 1915 – Segula Magazine – 2013  Dr’s Ari greenspan Ari Zivotofsky

הארבה בירושלים 1915– סגולה עיתון להיסטוריה 2013

אכילת חגבים לבני אשכנז– מסורה ליוסף 2016



The SHofar– The Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society by Dr. Ari Zivotofsky

The Halachic History of the Shofar – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky- The Jewish Observer

Blowing the Shofar on Shabbat Rosh Hashana and The tzizit Burning In Jerusalem– Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky – Mishpacha Magazine September 2009

The Shofar Heard Around The World Part 1 Otiyot Magazine- Hebrew children’s magazine articles- Dr. Ari Greenspan

The Shofar Heard Around The World Part 2 Otiyot Magazine- Hebrew children’s magazine articles- Dr. Ari Greenspan

 דר גרינספן וזיבוטופסקי – מגזין סגולה – היסטורית השופר

A shofar maker -and his story

The History and Uses Of The Shofar – Segula Magazine 2016,  Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky


Jerusalem Post- The Blood Libel -Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky

Hand or Machine Matzah? 2 roads to performing a mitzvah Jewish Observer 2004    Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky

Making Matzah the Old Fashion Way

Matzah In the Military – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky – Mishpacha Magazine April 2009

2009-mishpacha-matzah history(LJC)– Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky – Mishpacha Magazine April 2009

The Matzah Of The Marranos – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky- The Jewish Press

The Mess and the MItzvah Of Making Matzah– Greenspan and Zivotofsky’s  first oven

The Everlasting Blood Libel– Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky- The Jerusalem Post

Pesach Living Among The Former Crypto-Jews Of Belmonte

מקורות לשיעור בקטניות  kitniyot shiur sources

The Matzah of the Marranos– Mishpacha magazine Pesach 2010

The Matzah Of Uzbekistan – Mishpacha magazine 2012

Revisiting Ethiopian Jews 1987 reunited in 2011 NACOEJ 2013

מצת האנוסים בפורטוגל– עיתון משפחב  פסח תש”ע

מצות אנוסים – אותיות – פסח 2010

The Korban Pesach Of The Shomronim – Samaritans – Mishpacha magazine 2013, Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky

ההיסטוריה של מצה עם תמונות – סגולה 2014 דר ארי גרינספן ודר ארי זיבוטפסקי

The history of matzah with pictures – Segula magazine 2014 Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky

The halachic acceptability of soft matzah – Journal of contemporary society and halacha 2014 – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky

Pesach 2015 matzah baking around the world – Mishpacha magazine 2015, Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky

Matzah Jews and the Civil War – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky and David Geffen Jerusalem Post 2015

The Halachic History Of Soft Matzah -Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky, Hakirah 2015


Advertising Matzah by Menachem Butler collection of history and old advertisements

The 4452 year old food- How  Matzah Became American bY Jenna Weissman Joselitt

שבתאי צבי מאמר ממגזין היסטוריה



חיטה וחג השבועות- מגזין אותיות



The Tale Of The Etrog- Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky- The Jerusalem Post

2008-The halachic and botanic history of the Etrog– Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky – Jewish Observer

The Etrog- Makor Rishon Hebrew

האתרוג של אליהו הנביא -אותיות לילדים סוכות תשס”א

The Story Of Lulav and lulavim– Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky  Mishpacha September 2013

פולמוס אתרוגי קורפו – שלמון

The Corfu Etrog Wars – Hebrew

etrog history – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky Mishpacha November 2008


Keeping 2 days of purim

The Jews of Bulgaria and the unusual megilla

Mishpacha purim 2012 Ari & Ari Spoof


Where is the Menorah of the Temple- Dr Steven FIne

מנורות מרתף ארמון דאיוקליטוס בקרואטיה Dr. Ari Greenspan part 1

מנורות מרתף ארמון דאיוקליטוס בקרואטיה Dr. Ari Greenspan part 2

“When I was in Rome I saw the menorah” menorah in history and art- Ami Magazine 2010 Dr’s Greenspan and zivotofsky


ברית מלון – מקור ראשון 2014

Techeiles Trek– Mishpacha Magazine

The Jews of Gruzia – Mishpacha Magazine August, 2014,   Drs Ari Greenspan and Zivotofsky

Mikvas of the world – Mishpacha Magazine July, 2014,   Drs Ari Greenspan and Zivotofsky

The Jews of Tigray, Ethiopia – Mishpacha Magazine May, 2013  Drs Ari Greenspan and Zivotofsky

The Jews of Djibouti – MIshpacha magazine

VIDEO  The putti wedding – The Abuyadaya in Uganda –  Drs Ari Greenspan and Zivotofsky

VIDEO The Abuyada of Uganda – Rabbi Riskin in Putti and Moshe interview

Aramaic Dr. Ari Zivotofsky

Portugal-Crypto Jews of Portugal JP-2006 – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky

Trani-The Revival Of An Ancient Italian Community – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky Jerusalem Post

The Jews of the Piedmont region of Italy Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky Mishpacha November 2011

The Last Rabbi of Kurdistan– Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky – Jerusalem Post

Jewish Life In Egypt – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky- OU magazine 2010

The First Brit In Sri Lanka– The Sunday Times of Sri Lanka

Purim in Sarajevo, Otiyot Magazine-Hebrew children’s magazine articles- Dr. Ari Greenspan

The Ethiopian Coptic Church and its’ similarity to Judaism – Segula magazine 2010- Dr’s Ari Greenspan and Zivotofsky

הכנסיה הנוצרית באתופיה ודמיון ליהדות- סגולה דר ארי גרינספן וזיבוטפסקי

addis ababa and the amazing shabbat – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky – Mishpacha Magazine Feb 2010

ETHIOPIA: A STORY OF EXODUS, LIFE AND DEATH -NACOEJ Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky, Lifeline spring 2013

Jewish Pirates, Otiyot Magazine- Hebrew children’s magazine articles- Dr. Ari Greenspan

The Jews of Djerba– Dr. Ari Greenspan Mishpacha Magazine April 2009

The Jews of Eritrea– Dr. Ari Greenspan Mishpacha Magazine December 2009

יהדות מצרים- עיתון אותיות לילדים 2010

The Jews of Cuba – Mishpacha magazine 2011

יהודי קניה והשבט האוגנדי האבוידיה – משפחה מאי 2011

מתיר אסורים ושבויים– עיתון אותיות

Har-Habayit- the truth about going up – Dr. Ari Zivotofsky

The Jews of Nairobi -Have Knife Will travel – A schita adventure Mishpacha Magazine Feb 2011

Oy-vey Izmir – The Jews of Izmir and Turkey Mishpacha Magazine May 2011

Dwindling Generations Turkey part 2-Mishpacha Magazine August 2011

The Jews of Bahrain –   Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky – Mishpacha Magazine October 2009

The Abuyadaya of Uganda and Return to Entebbe –  Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky  JerusalemPost June 2011

מקור ראשון אוקטובר 2011 –אוגנדה ושבט האבוידיה

The Jews of Cuba – Mishpacha Magazine January 2011

The Jews of Nairobi -Have Knife Will travel – A schita adventure Mishpacha Magazine Feb 2011

The Jews of Uzbekistan – Mishpacha magazine 2012

The Last Jews of East Africa -Jewish Action Magazine Spring 2011

The First Shabbat- Plovdiv, Bulgaria Mishpacha August 2011

Shabbat in Pazardjik , Bulgaria Mishpacha August 2012

2011-קובה– משפחה 2011

How Tefillin Are Made– The movie  by  ari and ari

Jericho in halacha and hashkafa -Dr. Ari Zivotofsky

intransit -Mishpacha magazine interviews its travel writers-October 2012

The Jews of Serbia – Mishpacha nov 2012

19.11- hours days YEAR 2012

2013 The Jews of Namibia – Mishpacha July 2013

שוחטים-אנטילופה יהודי נמביה – משפחה 2013

יהודי קניה-משפחה 2011

עיתון משפחה מאי 2011 יהודי קניה ואוגנדה

יהדות ג’רבה – עיתון אותיות

קהילת קובה – משפחה 2011 דר ארי גרינספן וארי זיבןטופסקי

רשימת מאמרים של פרופ’ זהר עמר

יהוד-יהודי בחריין – מקור ראשון סוכות תש”ע חלק 1

יהוד-יהודי בחריין – מקור ראשון סוכות תש”ע חלק 2

היסטורית האתרוג בקהילות ישראל- עיתון מקור ראשון

שבט אבוידיה שבאוגנדה- מקור ראשון 2011

יהודי בולגריה -משפחה 2013

The Jews of Goteburg Sweden -2013

The Jews of Alsace Lorraine – Mishpacha May 2014 Dr’s Ari Greenspan and Ari Zivotofsky

The Jews Of Calcutta India – Mishpacha Feb 2015 Dr’s Ari Greenspan and Ari Zivotofsky

The Jewish roots of the Pashtun – Mishpacha Apr 2015 Dr’s Ari Greenspan and Ari Zivotofsky

The Jews of Djerba and the secret bashisha ceremony – Mishpacha May 2015 Dr’s Ari Greenspan and Ari Zivotofsky

The Coverts of Erode India Mishpacha July 2015 Dr’s Ari Greenspan and Ari Zivotofsky

משפחה- 2013  שבט האבוידיה אוגנדה

Chemistry and Engineering News – Bromine  Dr. Ari Greenspan

איך מיצרים תפילין  סרט מארי וארי

Blowing Shofar on Shabbat Rosh Hashana– Sourcebook

The Tekhelet Daf Yomi companion

Rav Machoud article – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky – Mishpacha Magazine April 2015 

יהודי קלקטה הודו – דר גרינספן וזבוטפסקי משפחחה ניסן 2015

The Jews of Mumbai India –  Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky – Mishpacha Magazine April 2015 

Cholent with the Gauchos Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky – Mishpacha Magazine November 2015

יהודי האמאזונס – משפחה סוכות 2015  דר ארי גרינספן וזיבוטפסקי

The Jews Of Cochin, India – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky – Mishpacha Magazine October 2015

The Jews of the Amazon – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky – Mishpacha Magazine December 2015

Making The Cut- Shechita In South America –  Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky -Mishpacha Magazine March 2016

The Ben Jews of Iraqi Kurdistan – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky – Mishpacha Magazine February 2016

The Bnei Menashe Tribe Of Northern India – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky -Mishpacha Magazine May 2016

PBS Video- The last Jew Of Cochin- With Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky – 2016

יהדות קורדיסטן בצל של דעש –  דר ארי גרינספן וזיבוטפסק משפחה פברואר 2016

יהודי ארגנטינה גאצ׳ו יהודי – דר ארי גרינספן וזיבוטפסקי משפחה נובמבר 2016 2016

דר ארי גרינספן וזיבוטפסקי משפחה – שוחטים בדרום אמריקה

The Jewish Untouchables- The Bnei Ephraim Of India – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky -Mishpacha Magazine June 2016

The Religious Revival in Resistencia Argentina -Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky -Mishpacha Magazine- September 2016

The Jewish Community Of Uruguay – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky -Mishpacha Magazine- October 2016

The Romaniot Jews Of Greece – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky -Mishpacha Magazine- December 2016

דר ארי גרינספן וזיבוטפסקי משפחה דצמבר 2016- יהדות אורוגוי

The Jews of Madagascar – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky -Mishpacha Magazine-February 2017

דר ארי גרינספן וזיבוטפסקי משפחה פסח  2017- יהודי מדגסקר

Jews of Crete – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky -Mishpacha Magazine April 2017

The Jews of Mauritius – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky -Mishpacha Magazine May 2017

דר ארי גרינספן וזיבוטפסקי משפחה פסח   –  2017 יהודי מאורציוס

דר ארי גרינספן וזיבוטפסקי משפחה שבועות   –    2017יהודי ניגריה

The Ibo Jews of NIgeria – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky -Mishpacha Magazine June 2017

The Jews of Saloniki, Greece – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky -Mishpacha Magazine August 2017

שבט הגוגודלה, עשרת השבטים בפפואה גיניה החדשה – דר ארי גרינספן וזיבוטפסקי משפחה   –    2017

The Gogodola and the lost Ten Tribes – Papua New Guinea – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky -Mishpacha Magazine October  2017

The Jews of indonesia  –  Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky -Mishpacha Magazine November  2017

Video- Welcome By the Jews Of Jayapura ,Indonesia

יהודי אינדוניסיה – דר ארי גרינספן וזיבוטפסקי משפחה   – דצמבר   2017

The Jews of the Philippines -Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky -Mishpacha Magazine April  2018

יהודי הפיליפינים -דר ארי גרינספן וזיבוטפסקי משפחה  2018

Zivotofsky vs US Supreme Court – Mishpacha magazine

The Halachic History of Coffee, Tea, Sugar and Chocolate Hakira 2017 -Dr. Ari Greenspan

מתייהדים חדשים ועשרת השבתים – סגולה יוני 2018

Sigd – Ethiopian Jewish Festival -Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky -Mishpacha Magazine November  2018

The Jews of Japan and  the talmud in South Korea -Doctor Greenspan -Mishpacha Magazine November  2018

The last Jews of the Turkish countryside – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky -Mishpacha Magazine February 2019

Ethical animal products and shechita – Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky – Hakira 2018

The Jews of Kyrgzstan and the epic of Manas – March 2018 Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky

Pidyon Shevuyim in Ethiopia – June 2019 Doctors Greenspan and Zivotofsky

פדיון שבויים באיטיופיה – משפחה דצמסר 2019

The Secret Jews Of Tanzania – February 2020 Dr’s Ari Greenspan and Zivotofsky Mishpacha

The rabbinic literature on pandemic and contagion – Dr. Ai Greenspan Hakira Journal spring 2021

Members of the tribe– emerging Jewish communities in Africa – Ari Greenspan Mishpacha Magazine  February 2022

The Jews of Albania and the first brit in close to a century  – Dr’s Ari Greenspan and Zivotofsky Mishpacha  March, 2022

חברי השבט- קהילות יהודיות המתפתחות – Ari Greenspan Mishpacha Magazine  February 2022

 march 2022 יהדות אלבניה והברית הראשון ביובל –דר ארי גרינספן וזיבוטפסקי משפחה

Matzah Baking In Kuwait and Bahrain – Dr’s Ari Greenspan and Zivotofsky MishpachaMagazine  March 2022

The sands of Jewish Oman and the prophet Job – Dr. Ari Greenspan Mishpacha Magazine August 2022

The Jews of Scotland – September 2022 -Dr’s Ari Greenspan and Zivotofsky Mishpacha

Har Sinai in Saudia Arabia -February 2023 -Dr’s Ari Greenspan and Zivotofsky Mishpacha

הר סיני בסעודיה – February 2023 -Dr’s Ari Greenspan and Zivotofsky Mishpacha

Abu Dhabai and the last Yemenite Jews – Yemenite soft  matzah -March 2023 -Dr’s Ari Greenspan and Zivotofsky Mishpacha

Baking Matzah in Dubai -March 2023 -Dr’s Ari Greenspan and Zivotofsky Mishpacha

The Jews of the Ivory Coast – May 2023 -Dr’s Ari Greenspan and Zivotofsky Mishpacha

The Last Jews of Cairo – Jan 2024 – Dr’s Ari Greenspan and Zivotofsky Mishpacha

The Bnei Menashe of Mizoram and the get in jail – March 2024 – Dr’s Ari Greenspan and Zivotofsky Mishpacha

Pesach in Tanzania with the Yemenites – April  2024 – Dr’s Ari Greenspan and Zivotofsky Mishpacha


ברית מילה באוגנדה על ידי דר ארי גרינספן -2022

Powerpoint of Matzah through the ages

– חלק ב

מקורות לשיעור על הלכות גיור – שבועות 2012

2011 מקורות לשיעור שבועות- גיד הנשא ושבתאי צבי

מצה ערב פסח ומכונת מצה 2013 שיעור

מקורות אנוסים והלכהשבועות 2010

שיעור שבועות 2013 – מציצה בפה  הסטוריה והלכה

OU Mesora Conference- audio link – Dr. Greenspan

Tanya -“why I want  to convert to judaism” Bulgaria 2012

rambam and medicine shiur sources – 2013

History and Halacha of Soft Matzah 2013 soft matzah

pesach sourcesheet soft matzah -פסח 2014

final coffee shiur 2014 sources– דף מקורות שבועות 2014

ten tribe source book – sourcebook shavuot 2015

Jewish Humor in the talmud  with jokes- source sheet 2016

Jewish Humor in the talmud without jokes source sheet 2016

Circumcision of  a non jewish baby – sources article

מתיהדים מודרניים וגיורם– שבועות 2017

מקורות נצרות ויהדות – שבועות 2018

מקורות לשיעור התפתחות ההלכה וגוי של שבת -שבועות2019

מגפות בספרות חזל  PPT – שבועות 2020

מגפות בספרות חז״ל – דפי מקורות

Pandemic and contagion in rabbinic literature – Hakira journal spring 2021

shiur gambling prostitution in jewish literature final -שבועות 2021

brain death in Jewish law – שבועות 2022

Traveling Rabbis and their halachic conundrums – Shavuot 2023

Pidyon Shvuyim – realsing terrorists to save captives -Shavuot 2024

The Mesorah Dinner Sourcebook

הקדמה PDF

מקורות עופות 1 PDF

מטרת ערב זו הינו להעביר את המסורת של הבהמות[2]

מקורות בהמות PDF

מקורות חגבים PDF

מקורות צמחים PDF


Jerusalem Post- The Blood Libel -Dr’s Greenspan and Zivotofsky
Making Matzah the Old Fashion Way-
Israel’s Water Buffalo Deemed Kosher
Water Buffalo And Explaining To The Chief Rabbi
Exotic Kosher Dinner in NY
The Pheasant :Reinforcing A Tradition With A Palpable Precedent
The Tale Of The Etrog- Dr’s Greenspan and Zivotofsky
The Everlasting Blood Libel- Dr’s Greenspan and Zivotofsky
Living The Law- Dr’s Greenspan and Zivotofsky -Mesorah and Kashrut
The Crypto Jews Of Portugal – Dr’s Greenspan and Zivotofsky
The Seudat Mesoret- Los Angeles -Gourmet kosher brings out fear factor
Los Angeles Exotic Kosher Dinner- LA Times
The Shofar And Halacha- The Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society by Dr. Ari Zivotofsky
Holy Shibuta Part 1- The Jerusalem Post by Dr’s Greenspan and Zivotofsky
Holy Shibuta Part 2- The Jerusalem Post by Dr’s Greenspan and Zivotofsky
The Secret Life Of Etrogs- LA Jewish Journal
Shibuta Hebrew Version- The Israeli Fish and Aquaculture Magazine November 2007 Dr’s Greenspan and Zivotofsky
Traini- The Revival Of An Ancient Italian Community – Dr’s Greenspan and Zivotofsky Jerusalem Post
The Matzah Of The Marranos – Dr’s Greenspan and Zivotofsky The Jewish Press
The Halachic History of the Shofar – Dr’s Greenspan and Zivotofsky The Jewish Observer
The Last Rabbi of Kurdistan- Dr’s Greenspan and Zivotofsky Jerusalem Post
The Story Of The Etrog- Dr’s Greenspan and Zivotofsky Jewish Observer
The History Of Kosher Wine- Dr’s Greenspan and Zivotofsky
The First Brit In Sri Lanka-
Purim in Sarajevo, Otiyot Magazine-Hebrew children’s magazine articles- Dr. Ari Greenspan
Jewish Pirates, Otiyot Magazine- Hebrew children’s magazine articles- Dr. Ari Greenspan
Kosher Birds and pheasants Otiyot Magazine- Hebrew children’s magazine articles- Dr. Ari Greenspan
Pesach Living Among The Former Crypto-Jews Of Belmonte
Matzah In the Military – Dr’s Greenspan and Zivotofsky Mishpacha Magazine April 2009
A Chat About Matzos, Jewish Chronicle London-1892- Dr’s Greenspan and Zivotofsky Mishpacha Magazine April 2009
The Jews of Djerba- Dr. Ari Greenspan Mishpacha Magazine April 2009
The Kashrut of Locusts- Part 1 Otiyot Magazine- Hebrew children’s magazine articles- Dr. Ari Greenspan
The Kashrut of Locusts- Part 2 Otiyot Magazine- Hebrew children’s magazine articles- Dr. Ari Greenspan
The Kashrut of Locusts- Part 3 Otiyot Magazine- Hebrew children’s magazine articles- Dr. Ari Greenspan
Blowing the Shofar on Shabbat Rosh Hashana- Dr’s Greenspan and Zivotofsky Mishpacha Magazine September 2009



Virtual tour of Ari Greenspan’s collection

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