Belmonte Portugal

The Jews of Belmonte were Cryto Jews or anussim for all the centuries of the inquisition. We spent Pesach there in 2009 which allowed me the priviledge of getting to know then and their families, seeing their way of life and family customs.

Information about crypto Jews (anussim or marranos)

The Crypto Jews of Portugal -Jerusalem Post

Shul in Belmonte

Shul in Belmonte

Inside of shul Belmonte

Inside of shul Belmonte

Traditional "secret" matzah baking method of the anussiom

Traditional "secret" matzah baking method of the anussiom


Preparing for matzah baking in traditional matzah baking garb. Amelia standing on right


Preparing to shehct sheep for the holiday

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